Top 10 Highest Death Rate in the World

10. Swaziland
14.21 deaths per 1000 people (every year)
Swaziland is one of the smallest countries of Africa and is located in Southern Africa.
9. Bulgaria
14.32 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
The Republic of Bulgaria is a country in South-Eastern Europe.
8. Somalia
14.55 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
The Federal Republic of Somali is located in Eastern Africa. Much of the national budget goes to the military and little is left for healthcare.
7. Afghanistan
14.59 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
Afghanistan is located in the Middle East. One in ten children doesn't make it to the age of five in Afghanistan.
6. Central African Republic
14.71 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
The Central African Republic is located in central Africa.
5. Guinea-Bissau
15.01 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
Guinea-Bissau is a smaal country in Western Africa. It is estimated that there are fewer than 5 physicians per 100,00 inhabitants in Guinea-Bissau
4. Chad
15.16 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
The Republic of Chad is located Central Africa. According to the United Nations, Chad has been affected by a humanitarian crisis since 2001.
3. Lesotho
15.18 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
The Kingdom of Lesotho is located in Southern Africa. The country is severely afflicted by HIV/AIDS and the average life expectancy in 2006 was 42.
2. Ukraine
16.30 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
The Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Alcohol poisoning, smoking, obesity and HIV are some of the causes of the high death rate.
1. South Africa
17.23 deaths per 1000 inhabitants (every year)
The Republic of South Africa has the highest death rate in the world. A main cause is HIV, 5.6 million people in South Africa have HIV wich is more than in any other country.